
Home | Baptism - a requisite for Salvation irrespective of age | Infants are the first examples of birth from above or by the Holy Spirit, in the New Testament | The prophecy about New Testament baptism includes infants | The holy nation, House of Israel includes infants, the same terms apply to Christians in NT | Infants are part of the Kingdom just as those who convert to children are | God demands that all belong to Him from 8 days old | Children from 8 days old are heirs to the promise | Bible says Infants or little children are perfect believers even from the womb | Ephesians 6 verse1 Children obey your parents in the Lord | BUT DONT YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE FIRST TO BE BAPTIZED | Can children receive baptism based on the belief of their parents | Jesus cured infants as well He was physician to sick children as well | Children seen among the congregation following Jesus | HOUSEHOLDS BEING BAPTIZED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT | Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you | Necessity of birth by the Holy Spirit or Baptism of infants | But Jesus was Baptized as an adult | Evidence for Infant Baptism in the Church Fathers and Inscriptions | Conclusion | My other webpages

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